Any business entrepreneur will tell you that running an MLM business offers incredibly high profit potential, but running a successful MLM operation requires consistent and smart marketing effort. In order to succeed with network marketing in a home based business, you need to generate a steady flow of leads that you can work to generate profits. A great website is one of the most potent marketing and lead generation tools ever invented – but making the most of your website’s potential for MLM leads requires some know-how and some concentrated effort. When you combine the potential of your website with the principles of attraction marketing, you’ll see the sales and recruitment leads come rolling into your Inbox, day after day. These tips can help you tune up your website and social media presence to turn the Internet into a lead generation powerhouse.
Develop your Internet Real Estate
The first step in establishing yourself as a presence on the Internet is to stake out your own piece of real estate online. That means creating your own website or blog, preferably on your own domain name. That’s your home base, and everything else you do should be designed to direct traffic – and MLM leads – back to your website.
Invest Time in Developing Your Social Media Presence
Just as it’s important to network for MLM leads in the real world, you need to generate attention for yourself in the virtual world. The social media revolution provides many free tools to get your name out there – and you already know that name recognition is one of the major platforms of attraction marketing.
Get to Know the Social Media Tools
Don’t fall into the typical novice networker trap of spreading yourself thin over too many networks. Spend some time getting to know the major social networks so that you can choose two or three on which to focus your efforts. Your best options include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace – but also check out, Xanga and Netlog. Get a feel for the kind of folks each network attracts and the best ways to use them to advance your brand.
Explore Article Marketing Sites
You may have heard that Google’s Panda updates have killed the value of article marketing, but you’ve heard wrong. Article marketing is still a very viable way of establishing yourself as an expert – a major plus to make attraction marketing work for you. Just as you did with the social media tools, research the various sites where you can post your articles, including EzineArticles, HubPages, Squidoo and ArticlesBase. Pick two or three where you feel your expertise will fit in well.
Shape and Craft Your Brand Carefully
Once you’ve chosen the social sharing sites and article marketing sites that are the best fit for your business, create profiles at each of them. Keep in mind that your goal in attraction marketing is to increase your name recognition and brand awareness. To that end, use the same name at each of the sites for which you register. Using different names or variations of the name will dilute your brand and could sabotage all of your attraction marketing efforts.
While all of this may sound complex and difficult, it’s surprisingly easy once you get it all set up. One way to make it all easier is to sign up with an MLM system that incorporates all of the tools you need to be an attraction marketing maven. There are a number of these MLM leads generation and tracking systems available with different features and benefits. Find one that works for you and get started on your attraction marketing push today.
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