If you’re involved in network marketing, you’ve heard about attraction marketing and the miracles it can work. If its proponents are to be believed, when you adopt attraction marketing tactics and strategies, your inbox will be bursting with qualified leads, your downline will explode and your income will skyrocket – all with little to no effort on your part. Everything before the dash is true – what follows the dash, not so much. In fact, attraction marketing requires you to put in a lot of hard work, especially if you’re trying to do it from scratch.
What is Attraction Marketing Anyway?
Specifically, attraction marketing is a marketing strategy that is especially successful in network marketing. Instead of chasing leads, attempting to sell a product and recruiting new dealers/salespeople onto your team, the attraction marketer focuses on one thing – establishing him or herself as an expert in the field. The theory behind attraction marketing is simple to understand: people want to join and work with successful people who are willing to invest in them and help them be successful. When you offer them something of value – the knowledge you’ve acquired – they will ally themselves with you in the hopes that they will learn from you and become as successful as you are. And of course, in network marketing, the more successful your team is, the more successful you are.
Attraction Marketing – The Hard Part
Of course, the trick is that, in order for attraction marketing to work, you have to establish yourself visibly as an expert with insider tips and knowledge to share. That requires that you actually be an expert with insider tips and knowledge to share – if you try to fake it, you’ll be discovered rather quickly. On top of that, you also have to learn how to put yourself out there where people can “discover” you. In the real world, that means attending meetings, volunteering to give presentations and help do things. On the Internet it’s both easier and far more difficult to get noticed and recognized as an expert.
That’s where a good attraction marketing system comes into play. The right attraction marketing system contains everything you need to establish yourself as an expert online, including websites and landing pages that help convert inquiries into hot prospects and prospects into recruits; lessons and webinars and videos that you can share with your recruits; suggestions for article topics for article marketing; spreadsheets and databases to help you track and monitor your conversions and the success of your marketing campaigns – and that’s just a start.
If you’re ready to make more money than you’ve ever imagined, and think that attraction marketing may be the method for you, check out the #1 attraction marketing system on the market today and see how it can help you launch your network marketing career to a new level.
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